The Strategic Plan focuses on a number of key areas important to a sustainable good future for darts in
our country. Over the years, passion and dedication have been the foundation and strength behind the
organising and playing of darts in all parts of our country. We recognise the value of that work and
encourage it to continue in that spirit. But there is a need to deal with the challenges of the day and to
introduce changes that will benefit the game and all its many players and supporters and for darts to
add its contribution towards South Africa’s sporting success.

The Strategic Plan consists of four main initiatives,


This national development plan is upgraded to focus on core projects aimed at:

~  Intensifying our efforts to introduce darts into urban and rural communities with LET’S PLAY
    DARTS projects,
~  Involving more colleges and universities (SASSU),
~  Engaging schools through an ADOPT-A-SCHOOL plan (USSASA),
~  Encouraging involvement from DISSA structures,
~  Improving playing excellence in our AIMING FOR TOPS programme,
~  Growing volunteer involvement particularly at youth levels,
~  Promoting good administration skills with the introduction of a training project, RAP
    (Responsible Administration Plan),
~  Providing darts-specific technical and management training courses...

The main objectives are:

~  To grow membership numbers by 30%
~  To accelerate transformation
~  To launch Youth Leagues throughout the country
~  To develop suitably qualified darts-specific coaches and match officials
~  To promote good governance at all levels of the sport
~  To improve our current international ranking from 16th to 8th position.


In preparation for the introduction of a National Ranking System and to encourage playing excellence, a
Competition Grading System for all events is under consideration.


Responding to the call for another quality national event that can be played in all areas, that will
encourage and recognise playing excellence, that will open opportunities for gaining organising
experience and that will boost public interest, a proposal to launch a National Circuit of Classics for
Men and Women is also under consideration.


The annual National Championships is the premier event of the local darts calendar attracting entries
from all regions and district associations.  There is a proposal to restructure the Event with the aims of:

~  Raising the competitive challenge in all events,
~  Improving the organisation and presentation styles of the event to new levels of expertise
~  Making participation more affordable,
~  Reducing the present demand for a large playing area that restricts playing the event to a few
    large indoor venues and excludes those areas that do not have suitable venues.

We launch an ambitious Action Plan that is similar in many respects to the work being done in
Australia, India, the Netherlands and many other World Darts Federation countries.  It is only the
beginning of a number of projects we are planning for the future. The overall intention is to put South
African darts into good shape.   The success of the Action Plan will require building partnerships with
member associations, with SASSU, with USSASA and with DISSA. We will also strengthen our
interest in the corporate sector particularly with government departments, SA Police, SA Correctional
Services, SA Mines, and Defence Force etc.



~  To introduce the game of darts as a sport to be played and enjoyed by all;
~  To demonstrate and encourage the skills for good darts play:                         
~  To encourage participants to join existing clubs or to form new clubs.
~  Regional and District Associations are encouraged to work with local community sports councils
    and to involve their local SASSU structures.


~  Youth ages 18 to 25
~  Colleges and Universities
~  PDI - Black and Women
~  Disabled persons
~  Rural and urban areas.


~  Explain and discuss the Playing Rules
~  Explain equipment used in the game
~  Explain the Darts SA structure, Zone VI and World Darts Federation
~  Instruction in and demonstration of good playing technique
~  Suggestions on best practice methods
~  Emphasise the importance of accurate, quick calculations - give examples
~  Discuss match play discipline and sportsmanship qualities.
~  With the assistance of specialists, discuss substance abuse, Aids



The participation of youth in the sport of darts has grown in recent years. Many young people choose
not to participate in the traditional school sports of football, rugby, netball, tennis, cricket etc. and seek
other sporting interests.   Darts offers a challenging interest in the form of team and individual
participation, numeracy skills, character development and leadership skills. This ADOPT-A-SCHOOL
project is designed to work with youth on how to play the game for recreational and competitive
purposes as part of their school’s sports programme. Regional and District Associations are required
to involve their local USSASA structures.


~  To introduce the game of darts to young people under a structured plan that demands best
     training by suitably skilled, responsible project leaders.
~  To invite schools and educators to become involved and to develop a good working relationship
     with individual schools and with their national sports authority, USSASA.
~  To build sportsmanship and good character skills.
~  To introduce Youth leagues in all areas.


~  All youth under the age of 18.
~  A special focus on historically disadvantaged schools
~  Rural and urban areas.


~  Explain and discuss the Playing Rules
~  Explain equipment used in the game (for the u-13’s, soft tip darts may be an option)
~  Explain the Darts SA structure, Zone VI and World Darts Federations
~  Instruction in and demonstration of good playing technique
~  Suggestions on best practice methods
~  Emphasise the importance of accurate, quick calculations - give examples
~  Discuss match play discipline and sportsmanship qualities.
~  With the assistance of specialists, discuss drugs, Aids, sex awareness, alcohol and



~  To identify players of excellence for special training
~  To entrench our Top ranking in Zone VI:                          
~  To improve our international ranking into the top 8
~  To prepare players for stage and television appearances


~  Youth under 18
~  Youth ages 18 to 25
~  Protea players
~  Regional and District players
~  Coaches


~  Former senior players with experience
~  Provincial departments of Sport
~  Sports Science Institute
~  Sports Academies
~  SA Institute for Drug Free Sport


~  Playing rules
~  Playing techniques
~  Practice methods
~  Numerical skills
~  Drugs & alcohol in sport
~  Match play & Discipline
~  Motivation
~  Analyse international playing standards


RAP 1 - Executive President / Chairman

Role - Team builder
~  Meeting procedure

RAP 2 - Secretary

Role - Team leader
~  Writing a Minute
~  Planning a meeting
~  Letter writing
~  Dealing with disciplinary matter
~  Writing a Report

RAP 3 - Treasurer

~  Financial discipline
~  Keeping proper records
~  Budgeting
~  Accountability

RAP 4 - Match Secretary

~  Rules of the Game
~  Planning a set of Fixtures
~  The value of Statistics
~  Planning a Competition

RAP 5 - Public Relations Officer / Media Officer

~  Media plan / Media Launch
~  Writing a Media Release
~  E-mail

RAP 6 - Trustee

~  Keeping an Asset Register
~  Colours register
~  Archives

RAP 7 - How to raise funds

RAP 8 - How to write a Business Plan & Prepare a Budget

RAP 9 - Volunteer Programme